Why LegalMatch Called You
LegalMatch representatives always examine a number
of variables before contacting prospective attorneys
for potential LegalMatch membership. If you have
recently been called by a LegalMatch representative,
it is because:
There are currently clients in your county or
geographic area that need an attorney in your
area of practice.
LegalMatch does not, at present, have sufficient
Member Attorneys to handle consumer demand in
your county or area. In some instances, we may
not have any Member Attorneys responding to
presented cases in a given county or area.
LegalMatch is interviewing attorneys in your
geographic location and practice area at this
time to respond to this demand.
Based on initial information such as your
reputation, qualifications, location, area of
practice, or a friend or associate's referral,
LegalMatch feels that you are a potential fit
for the opening.
If contacted recently, we may still be actively
looking for the right attorneys in your area.
Call back the number you were left to get more
information immediately, or
submit a membership request
and a LegalMatch Membership Manager will call
you as soon as possible.
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Learn More
LegalMatch is the nation's leading online matching
service. Through our industry-leading marketing
partners, the LegalMatch Web site assists thousands
of visitors seeking help with their legal issues
every day.
LegalMatch is the optimal original attorney / client
matching service and marketing resource to build a
successful and sustainable law practice. Whether you
are looking to increase revenue, save time or focus
your law practice, a LegalMatch representative can
show you how to concentrate more on the practice of
law and less on the business of law.